(language: pl)
- Agatha of Sicily
- Agnes of Bohemia
- Agnes of Rome
- All the Faithful Departed
- Anastasia of Sirmium
- Anna mother of Mary
- Balbina of Rome
- Barbara of Nicomedia
- Bernadette Soubirous
- Boleslava Lament
- Bridget of Sweden
- Catherine Labouré
- Catherine of Alexandria
- Catherine of Genoa
- Cecilia of Rome
- Celestine Faron
- Christina of Persia
- Clara of Assisi
- Colette Boylet
- Crispina of Numidia
- Daria /+ Chrysanthus
- Dorothy of Montau
- Elizabeth of Aragon
- Elizabeth of Hungary
- Elizabeth of the Holy Trinity
- Felicity of Carthage
- Gemma Galgani
- Genovefa of Paris
- Gertrude of Nivelles
- Hedwig of Anjou
- Hedwig of Silesia
- Helena, mother of Constantine
- Hyacintha Mariscotti
- Irmina of Oeren
- Jacinta Marto
- Joan Beretta Molla
- Joan Mary of Maille
- Joan of Arc
- Joan of Lestonnac
- Joan of Valois
- Joan Veron
- Josephine Bakhita
- Julia Rodzińska
- Julitta of Caesarea
- Justine of Padua
- Karolina Kózka
- Kinga of Poland
- Louise de Marillac
- Lucia of Syracuse
- Lydia of Thyatira
- Magdalene Catherine Morano
- Magdalene of Canossa
- Many Thousands of Martyrs from church in Nicomedia
- Marcelina Darowska
- Margaret Ebner
- Margaret Lucy Szewczyk
- Margaret Mary Alacoque
- Margaret of Antioch
- Margaret of Cortona
- Margaret of Lorraine
- Margaret Ward
- Maria Anna Biernacka
- Maria Anna of Jesus Navarro
- Maria Faustyna Kowalska
- Maria Francesca of Jesus
- Maria Karłowska
- Maria Katharina Kasper
- Maria of Jesus the Good Shepherd
- Maria Stella of the Blessed Sacrament
- Maria Therese Scherer
- Marie Rose Durocher
- Martha of Bethany
- Mary, mother of Jesus
- Mary Antoinette Kratochwil
- Mary Boromea Narmontowicz
- Mary Canisia Mackiewicz
- Mary Canuta of the Agonized Jesus in the Garden
- Mary Daniela of Jesus and Immaculate Mary
- Mary Felicity Borowik
- Mary Frances of the Wounds of our Lord Jesus Christ
- Mary Guidona of Divine Mercy
- Mary Heliodora Matuszewska
- Mary Imelda of the Eucharistic Jesus
- Mary Magdalene
- Mary Magdalene Postel
- Mary of Egypt
- Mary Raymunda of Jesus and Mary
- Mary Sergia of Our Lady of Sorrows
- Matilda of Ringelheim
- Monica of Tagasta
- Natalie Tułasiewicz
- Pauline Jaricot
- Perpetua of Carthage
- Philippa Mareri
- Philomena of Rome
- Rafaela Mary of the Sacred Heart
- Rita of Cascia
- Rosalia of Palermo
- Rose of Lima
- Rose Venerini
- Sabigothon Natalie /+ Aurelius and others
- Salomea of the Poland
- Sancja Szymkowiak
- Sophia Maciejowska-Czeska
- Sophia of Fermo
- Stephanie Quinzani
- Susanna of Rome
- Sylvia, mather of Gregory the Great
- Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
- Teresa Eustochio Verzeri
- Teresa of Ávila
- Thecla of Kitzingen
- Therese of Lisieux
- Ursula Ledóchowska
- Ursula of Cologne
- Veronica
- Vincenta Maria López Vicuña
- Zita of Lucca