(language: en)
- Acathius of Melitene
- Adalbert of Prague
- Agricola of Nevers
- Albert of Louvain
- Albert the Great
- Alphonsus Maria Liguori
- Alypius of Tagaste
- Ambrose of Milan
- Andrew Corsini
- Anselm of Canterbury
- Anthony Cauleas
- Anthony Julian Nowowiejski
- Athanasius the Great
- Augustine of Hippo
- Bartholomew of Breganze
- Bartholomew of the Martyrs
- Basil the Great
- Blaise of Sebaste
- Bogumil of Dobrow
- Boniface Wynfreth
- Caesarius of Arles
- Cassian of Autun
- Charles Borromeo
- Clement of Ancyra
- Corbinian of Freising
- Cyprian of Carthage
- Cyril of Alexandria
- Cyril of Jerusalem
- Cyril of Thessalonica
- David of Menevia
- Denis of Paris
- Dionysius of Corinth
- Donatus of Fiesole
- Emmeram of Regensburg
- Erasmus of Formia
- Eusebius of Vercelli
- Francis de Sales
- Fulgentius of Ruspe
- Gabriel Taurin Dufresse
- Gerald of Béziers
- Gerard Sagredo
- Gregory Lakota
- Gregory of Nazianzus
- Gregory of Nyssa
- Guido Maria Conforti
- Ignatius Maloyan
- Ignatius of Antioch
- Isidore of Seville
- James Benfatti
- James Strzemie
- James the Less Apostle
- Januarius of Benevento
- John Chrysostom
- John de Ribera
- Josaphat Kuntsevych
- Joseph Sebastian Pelczar
- Justin de Jacobis
- Juvenal of Narni
- Laurence of Canterbury
- Lazarus of Milan
- Macarius of Jerusalem
- Mark of Jerusalem
- Martin of Tours
- Maximus of Jerusalem
- Melaine of Rennes
- Methodius /+ Cyril
- Michael Kozal
- Modestus of Jerusalem
- Modestus of Trier
- Nicholas of Myra
- Norbert of Xanten
- Oscar
- Otto of Bamberg
- Paphnutius of Thebes
- Patiens of Metz
- Patrick
- Paul of Constantinople
- Peter Chrysologus
- Peter Damian
- Peter of Luxembourg
- Petronius of Bologna
- Pirmin, bishop
- Polycarp of Smyrna
- Pope Pius X
- Radim Gaudentius
- Robert Bellarmine
- Rupert of Salzburg
- Saturnin of Toulouse
- Stanislaus of Szczepanów
- Theodore Romzha
- Theophilus of Antioch
- Thomas Becket
- Titus of Crete
- Victorinus of Pettau
- Virgilius of Arles
- Wilfrid of York
- Zeno of Maiuma
- Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński