(language: en, la)
- English (en): martyr
- English (en): martyress
- Latin (la): martyr
- Polish (pl): męczennica
- Polish (pl): męczennik
- Abrahamic Monks
- Adalbert of Prague
- Agatha of Sicily
- Agnes of Rome
- Albert of Louvain
- Aloise Campos Górriz
- Aloysius Liguda
- Alphonsus Maria Mazurek
- Anastasia of Sirmium
- Andrew Abel Alricy
- Andrew Bobola
- Andrew de Soveral
- Andrew Kim Taegon
- Andrew the Apostle
- Anicetus Kopliński
- Anthony Bajewski
- Anthony Rewera
- Antiochus of Anastasiopolis
- Antoninus /+ Nicephorus and others
- Antoninus of Apamea
- Aristarchus of Thessalonica
- Augustine Zhao Rong
- Barbara of Nicomedia
- Barnabas the Apostle
- Bartholomew the Apostle
- Basil of Antioch
- Benignus of Dijon
- Benignus of Todi
- Blaise of Sebaste
- Boniface Wynfreth
- Boniface Zukowski
- Bronislaus Kostkowski
- Caesarius of Terracina
- Casimir Grelewski
- Casimir Sykulski
- Catherine of Alexandria
- Cecilia of Rome
- Celestine Faron
- Charles Lwanga
- Christina of Persia
- Christopher Magallanes Jara
- Christopher of Lycia
- Chrysanthus /+ Daria
- Clement of Ancyra
- Clement Sheptytsky
- Cosmas /+ Damian
- Crispina of Numidia
- Cyprian of Carthage
- Cyricus /+ Julitta
- Czesław Jóźwiak
- Damian /+ Cosmas
- Daria /+ Chrysanthus
- David Okelo
- Denis of Paris
- Didacus Aloise de San Vitores
- Domninus of Caesarea
- Edward Coleman
- Edward Kazmierski
- Edward Klinik
- Emilian Kovch
- Emmeram of Regensburg
- Erasmus of Formia
- Eulogius of Cordoba
- Eunus of Alexandria
- Eusebius of Vercelli
- Ezekiel
- Felician of Carthage
- Felicissimus /+ Rogatian
- Felicity of Carthage
- Fidelis of Sigmaringen
- Florian of Lauriacum
- Francis Stryjas
- Franciszek Kęsy
- Gabriel Taurin Dufresse
- George of Lydda
- George Popiełuszko
- Gerard Sagredo
- Gregory Frąckowiak
- Gregory Lakota
- Henry Krzysztofik
- Henry Morant Pellicer
- Hillary Januszewski
- Ignatius Maloyan
- Ignatius of Antioch
- Isaiah
- James Berthieu
- James the Great
- James the Less Apostle
- Januarius of Benevento
- Jarogniew Wojciechowski
- Jeremiah Prophet
- Jesus Mendez Montoya
- Joan Veron
- John Bodey
- John Hambley
- John Lowe
- John of Nepomuk
- John Ogilvie
- John Sarkander
- John the Baptist
- John Theophanes Vénard
- Josaphat Kuntsevych
- Joseph John Zaide
- Joseph Kurzawa
- Joseph Kut
- Joseph Moreau
- Joseph Nguyen Dinh Nghi
- Joseph Zaplata
- Judas Thaddaeus
- Julia Rodzińska
- Julitta of Caesarea
- Jury Kashyra
- Justine of Padua
- Justus /+ Pastor
- Jóseph Trần Văn Tuấn
- Karolina Kózka
- Ladislas Ulma
- Lawrence of Rome
- Leon Nowakowski
- Lex Zaryckyy
- Lucia of Syracuse
- Many Thousands of Martyrs from church in Nicomedia
- Marcellus Pope
- Margaret of Antioch
- Margaret Ward
- Maria Anna Biernacka
- Marian Górecki
- Marian Konopiński
- Maria Stella of the Blessed Sacrament
- Mark /+ Marcellian
- Mark of Jerusalem
- Mark the Evangelist
- Mary Antoinette Kratochwil
- Mary Boromea Narmontowicz
- Mary Canisia Mackiewicz
- Mary Canuta of the Agonized Jesus in the Garden
- Mary Daniela of Jesus and Immaculate Mary
- Mary Felicity Borowik
- Mary Guidona of Divine Mercy
- Mary Heliodora Matuszewska
- Mary Imelda of the Eucharistic Jesus
- Mary Raymunda of Jesus and Mary
- Mary Sergia of Our Lady of Sorrows
- Matthew the Evengelist
- Matthias the Apostle
- Maurice of the Theban Legion
- Maximilian Maria Kolbe
- Michael Kozal
- Michael Nakashima
- Narcissus Turchan
- Natalie Tułasiewicz
- Onesiphorus, disciple of Apostles
- Oswald of Northumbria
- Pancras of Rome
- Paul Miki
- Paul of Constantinople
- Paul of Tarsus
- Pedro Calungsod
- Perpetua of Carthage
- Peter Edward Dankowski
- Peter the Apostle
- Philip /+ Felix and others, as Seven Brothers
- Philip Apostle
- Philomena of Rome
- Polycarp of Smyrna
- Pontian Pope
- Pope Marcellinus
- Roman Archutowski
- Sabigothon Natalie /+ Aurelius and others
- Sadok of Sandomierz
- Saturnin of Toulouse
- Secundus of Asti
- Serapion of Algiers
- Simon Apostle
- Sixtus II
- Sophia of Fermo
- Stanislaus of Szczepanów
- Stanislaus Starowieyski
- Stephen Protomartyr
- Susanna of Rome
- Tarcisius Acolyte
- Teresa Benedicta of the Cross
- Thaddeus Dulny
- Theodore Romzha
- Theodore the Graptus
- Thomas Becket
- Thomas Garnet
- Thomas the Apostle
- Tiburtius /+ Valerian and Maximus
- Unborn Child of the Ulma Family
- Urban I
- Ursula of Cologne
- Valentine of Rome
- Victor I
- Victorinus of Pettau
- Wlodzimierz Laskowski
- Zbigniew Strzalkowski